John Petre - Construction Photos

Electric Flap Control
Flap motor - shows the
flap motor installation
behind the rear seat
Flap position sensor - I have a system whereby I select the position
of the flaps with a button. The corresponding light for that button will
then light up when the flaps reach that position. At that point, the
motor will stop, until the next position position is selected. The
sensor/pot tells the flap electronics what the flap position is at any
time. There is also a manual overide switch, in case the electronic
flap sensor and automatic position selector runs away with itself.
Also, because I have a lot more flap travel with the motor than one
would normally have with the flap "handbrake", I have installed a
safety/limit switch under the flap arm which will shut off the motor
should I lose control of it.

Instrument Panel and Controls
Instrument panel - just a shot of my panel - it is in
fact a Glasair panel which I have modified to fit the KIS.
Throttle quadrant - showing the throttle and mixture control and the electronic controls for the fuel selector valve and the flaps

Flap Controller - The controller hardware which is mounted on the back of the centre console cover.
Aileron Control - shows the new control stick cross linkage to replace the one supplied in the kit.

Rudder Pedals
Rudder pedals - shows what I did to overcome the
rudder pedal position problem that we are all
experiencing. It also shows the new pedals I made
which replace the ones supplied in the kit.

Engine Mount
Welding - the welding of the engine mount which I have built for my Subaru SVX motor.

Engine And Cowling

Electric Flap Control

Engine Mount

Wing Tip / Landing Light Lenses

Instrument Panel and Controls

Nose Gear Mods

Rudder Pedals

Overhead Console

Wheel Pants