Retractable Wing Tiedowns
Funny how we can get hung up and consumed by the little things. These
self-retracting tiedowns are such simple little things but have required
a substantial amount of thought and work to make them work. They are
simple as can be but it took a great deal of time and effort to get them
that way. The concept was to creat tiedowns that were robust, lightweight,
maintenance free and didn't require a lot of machining. I think they
came out pretty well on almost all points.
![](MyMods/TieDown1.JPG) |
I didn't take any photos of the wind tiedowns other that those shown
below. This photo shows the tiedown for the tail but the construction
of all the tiedowns was basically the same. They are all self-retracting
by use of a counter weight and do not require any springs or maintenance. |
![](MyWings/WingClose00009.JPG) |
The tiedown was mounted to the main spar with a metal plate on the
back side of the spar. This photo shows the mounting and the grounding
strap from the fuel cap attached before wing closeout. The ground strap
is part of a common ground that will run from all metal connections on the
wing to the firewall common ground. |
![](MyWings/RetractableTiedown1.jpg) |
Once the wing was close out, I filled the opening around the tiedown
and left only about 1/8 inch opening around the tiedown. The close
position is flush with the wind surface. |
![](MyWings/RetractableTiedown2.jpg) |
The open position is shown here. It is self retracting without
the use of a spring which should make it maintenance free. |